This entry, from the Bamburgh parish marriage register, which included Seahouses, refers to John Robertson and Mary Dodds who were married on 6th February 1797 after Banns.
When two people are married an entry is recorded in the marriage register. Hardwick's Marriage Act of 1754 standardised the recording of information in marriage registers. The same Act ordered that a couple could only marry after banns were read or a licence had been obtained. Banns were read to the church congregation for three consecutive Sundays prior to the marriage. The reading of the banns gave any person who felt the couple should not marry an opportunity to say so. Those couples who did not want banns to be read could purchase a licence from the Bishop. After their marriage the bride and groom, and two witnesses, signed the marriage register or placed their mark [X] if they could not write. Marriage registers of Bamburgh parish are deposited with Northumberland Archives Service.