This is an extract from Morpeth St. Mary's Churchwardens' Account Book, 1749 - 1775.
This particular page concerns payments received and made by the parish in 1770. The lefthand page concerns money received, whilst the right hand page concerns payments made. Payments to those in receipt of poor relief, including Thomas Cooper and his two children, totalled £42 18 shillings and 8 pence. This is equivalent to approximately £2,100 at today's value.
Many of the Morpeth parish records are deposited with Northumberland Archives Service. Previously they were kept at the church. For many years church records were stored in the Parish Chest. This tradition dates back to medieval times. The Chest would usually be found in the vestry and kept under lock and key. All church records would be stored there. For example, baptism registers, poor relief records and churchwardens' accounts would all be found within the Chest.