Plan of Wylam Estate belonging to Edward Blackett Esq., surveyed by Thomas Bell and sons 1857.
This plan is extracted from the Bell Collection of plans belonging to the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Society has deposited a vast proportion of their manuscript material with the Northumberland Archive Service.
The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne is the oldest provincial antiquarian society in England. Founded in 1813 with a total of 68 members, its membership is now spread across the globe while its journal, Archaeologia Aeliana, can be found in libraries throughout Europe, the USA and Australia. For nearly two centuries, through its meetings and its publications, the Society has encouraged a deeper understanding of the history and archaeology of north-eastern England. Though much of its activity has been focussed on Hadrian's Wall, both prehistoric and medieval periods are well represented in its work - and there is a strong interest in industrial archaeology.